The first half is extremely sloppy, dull, and overlong. There’re some terrible dialogues and sequences that I don’t know if are intentionally hilarious. Lawrence in this part is a totally uninteresting archetypical character and many sequences are just repeating his personalities over and over. Luckily the story turns out to be engaging and something I really can start to care since the second half of the film. The political plays in this part are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Characters really start to develop and become complex. The film becomes way more enjoyable as conflicts intensify. The cinematography is beautiful and the actors’ performances are great throughout nevertheless
這真是個完美的coming out story,看到Simon給Victor說他們一大堆朋友都在幫助他的時候真的是太暖了想來真的需要一些這樣帶有希望的故事最起碼能夠給那些還躲在櫃子裡面的青少年些許安慰也許就是那點安慰能夠讓他們堅持下去撐到他們能夠承受那一切的時候因為現實真的不是這樣這個社區也沒有想像中的那樣團結美女视频观看免费完整也不知道這樣虛假的希望是對是錯但是如果這樣能夠使得這個世界產生一點改變那也是好的